I started my use of SLRs with
the Hanimex Praktica Nova 1B. I cannot recall how I came to be in
possession of this camera but I think I may have found it in the classified ads
of my local news paper. I was quite excited to have this camera. My
previous camera, a Minolta Hi-Matic 7S made nice pictures but did not allow for
interchangeable lenses, and if I remember correctly, had limited manual exposure
The Praktica that I got came with a
mamiya/sekor 1:2.0 50mm lens. In order to make it fit the camera, the
auto/manual aperture switch was removed.
I enjoyed this camera for a short time but soon
felt the siren-song of through-the-lens meters and opted to move
along. Still, this was an interesting camera - enough so that
many years later I managed to find another example and add it to my
collection. It came with a lens that is most likely not the
lens that would have come with the camera (once again).