Super-Takumar 1:4/150mm
Takumar Interchangeable
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Pentax Takumar Interchangeable eatures. This compact lens has the same diameter and is only a fraction longer than the 135mm F3.5. Nevertheless, it has a focal length three times that of a standard lens - its viewing angle of 17° makes it the ideal optic for those shots halfway between 135mm and 200mm. Its low distortion ratio and high resolving power give fine image quality at all distances!: ' And as an additional convenience, filter size is the normal 49mm. Main uses. As a compact lens of true telephoto power, this is a very practical optic to take on field trips. Combined with extension tubes, it makes an excellent lens for close-ups of small moving objects and is also recommended for plant photography.
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Takumar Interchangeable
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Pentax Takumar Interchangeable
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