Mother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010

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Picture File List
1894 Merchants and Mechanics Savings Bank1894 Merchants and Mechanics Savings Bank485KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
B&O Railway StationB&O Railway Station453KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Mother's Day ShrineMother's Day Shrine393KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Mother's Day ShrineMother's Day Shrine559KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Pleasant CreekPleasant Creek518KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Pleasant CreekPleasant Creek1040KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Pleasant CreekPleasant Creek817KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Pleasant CreekPleasant Creek505KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Pleasant CreekPleasant Creek668KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Pleasant CreekPleasant Creek781KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Pleasant CreekPleasant Creek636KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Pleasant CreekPleasant Creek276KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Pleasant CreekPleasant Creek647KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Pleasant CreekPleasant Creek288KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Pleasant CreekPleasant Creek503KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Pleasant CreekPleasant Creek378KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010
Pleasant CreekPleasant Creek825KMother's Day Grafton WV 5/9/2010

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Contents of this Web Site may not be used without written permission.

10-May-10 01:53 AM
