Cheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10

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Picture File List
Makes the CatchMakes the Catch1001KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10
SafeSafe1100KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10
SafeSafe959KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10
Hit!Hit!721KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10
Makes the TurnMakes the Turn941KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10
Going for ThirdGoing for Third1003KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10
BatterBatter994KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10
The SwingThe Swing803KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10
Foul Ball (off the face...)Foul Ball (off the face...)781KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10
Swing Batter!Swing Batter!815KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10
Hit!Hit!869KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10
PitchingPitching916KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10
PitchingPitching949KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10
PitchingPitching948KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10
PitchingPitching903KCheat Lake Baseball 5/22/10

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Photos, Layout and Design © 2010 Paul M. Provencher All Rights Reserved.
Contents of this Web Site may not be used without written permission.

23-May-10 10:26 AM
